On the back door step…

When you live in the country, and particularly when you’ve battled through the weather of the last few months, it’s easy to forget the treasure on your doorstep…

After a dismal winter, the arrival of a few days sunshine was very welcome.

It seemed like such a long time since we had an extended period of sunshine and despite the fact that Mr W had plans to dig the vegetable garden over, I just wanted to get out and do something for a couple of hours – to drink in the blue skies and the chlorophyll-laden vibrant green of the trees.

As we ate breakfast, I justified a trip out to myself on the basis that we needed to check out a visit location for recommendation to our Dimpsey Somerset guests.

We don’t like to recommend places unless we’ve been there, and I’d spotted Burrow Farm Gardens on one of my trips to pick up a takeaway from our friends Luke and Sara at Highgrange Devon (also very worth a try).

So, with Mr W duly persuaded (I mentioned the possibility of food), we set off on our spontaneous trip and arrived there 20 minutes later.  As it was lunchtime, it seemed rude not to visit the tea rooms and avail ourselves of some lunch while there.

Sat in the glorious garden, enjoying a delicious light lunch, whilst watching a robin hopping around and hoovering up some cake crumbs in the grass nearby, the wearies of the rain-soaked winter literally flowed away from us. 

It was a much needed restorative moment and as we stood up to leave, Mr W turned, and eyeing the distant horizon said, “Just look at that view, absolutely gorgeous!” 

I turned to look as well and nodded in agreement, we drank in the view for a while and then headed off to look at the plant nursery and shop, seeking inspiration for our own garden at home.

We resolved to return soon to walk the 13 acres of gardens and set off homeward bound, with our plant purchases in the boot of the car.

Then the home-busy day took over again; I had a meeting and some work to do and Mr W headed off to dig the vegetable garden over, preparing for a summer of homegrown food.

As the day drew to a close, I headed out there with a mug of tea and sat on one of the raised beds near him. 

After a bit of a chat, we fell into companionable silence. The rhythmic thud, tap, tap, tap of his fork digging in and turning over the soil, then tapping the clods into smaller pieces was quite meditative as I sat there drinking in the last of the sun’s rays.

After a while, he stood back, surveying his work…

With the air of a satisfied worker, he pronounced that his application of manure over the winter was digging in well and the soil was very friable, making the digging easier.

I nodded knowledgeably, but have to confess that I had to ask him what ‘friable’ meant (easily crumbled or pulverised, in case you’re wondering too!)

He gathered up his tools and I picked up my mug and we turned to walk back to the house.

As we walked, he turned and said, “You know, we have it here too…”

I looked at him puzzled and asked, “We have what here too?”

He gestured his arm towards the horizon and said, “The view.  Earlier on we were commenting on how amazing the view was at Burrow Farm Gardens, but as I worked out here this afternoon, I actually looked at our view here with fresh eyes – and it’s amazing, but after 14 years here, I think we tend to just take it for granted now…”

I turned and realised he was right, the view is amazing.

I remembered that when we moved to Somerset from the flatness of Cambridgeshire, many moons ago, we had been absolutely blown away by the views that opened up round every corner and we had made a pact and promised ourselves that we would never take it for granted.

Then, 14 years ago, the views from the very spot we were standing on had inspired us to take a huge risk and buy the farm we now live on. We’d repeated that promise to never take it for granted then as well.

Yet, busy times and the hustle of everyday family life had meant the promise had faded and we were missing the treasure we have on our very own doorstep.

We turned, held hands and drank in the view…promising that from now on we won’t overlook what we are lucky enough to have here every day.

We just need to take a few moments to look up as we walk…and it’s there for free…

Third time’s a charm…isn’t that what they say?  I’m going to remind myself to not take what’s on my back door step for granted and to continue drinking in that amazing view.

How about you?  What’s beautiful in your everyday life that you tend to overlook?

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