The Journey’s Charities

It’s all beginning to feel rather real now, there is less than four weeks to go until our Holly embarks on The Journey.

To give you some backgroundwe both wanted to start Countrywoman’s Guide off with a series of interviews sharing stories and learnings from characters from, or related to, the countryside.

Holly’s itchy feet wanted to do some travelling with purpose, and as we talked that through, we realised that we could combine the two and also raise money for charity as part of it.

So, the idea for The Journey was born! It’s a UK wide, road-trip raising funds for two brilliant and well-deserving charities, all through the power of sharing stories and connecting with others.

We’ve got all of our interviewees lined up and we’ve been busy getting all the logistics into place – there’s been a lot of midnight oil burning and going backwards and forwards but, very soon we’ll be able to share who we’ll be seeing along the way.

Holly will actually be out on the road for the duration of September, with Emma joining her for some of the days and conversations. We’ll be keeping you updated with our progress on social media – so please ensure that you are following CWG and both of our accounts (@holllythomson and @emmawarren_1).

As Holly says,

“I’ve always wanted to fundraise, and do something for charity, but I never knew where to start. Admittedly, a bake sale may have been easier, but in true me style, I’ve gone all in with a MONTH long road trip and over 20 interviewees to stop and see along the road.”

So, as our first big step, we are incredibly excited to be launching our Just Giving page today, (15th September 2023) and introducing you to our charities.

We’ve chosen two charities, so that we can both support the cause. All of you have been so supportive of CWG since we popped our heads above the parapet – we really are very grateful to all of you for your support.

The first of our two charities is Pompe Support Network. A charity and condition you’ve likely never heard of, but one that is very close to Holly’s heart as her father lives with the condition. We are very keen to raise as much as possible for this small charity that provides essential support for a condition that is so rare.

Holly says,

“I’ve shared a few photos of Dad and I, like this one, over the years on Instagram and it’s no secret that we are very close. He is my long-suffering business (and life) guru, and I am definitely my father’s daughter.”

Pompe disease is an ultra-orphan disease that is currently diagnosed in less than 200 people in the United Kingdom.

There are a variety of ‘types’ of Pompe disease, and is classified as a Lysosomal Disorder (LD), but they are generally referred to as either:

  • Infantile Onset Pompe Disease – IOPD
  • Late Onset Pompe Disease – LOPD

I met with Allan Muir, Chair of Pompe Support Network, and prominent spokesperson for Pompe disorder.

“Those living with LOPD can experience the first symptoms at any age from birth to 100, although they will have been subject to the enzyme deficiency since birth. Because the condition is so rare, those with LOPD will struggle for many years before receiving a correct diagnosis, many of whom have received mis-diagnosis prior.”

Raising awareness of the condition among healthcare professionals and the general public is hugely important. As a result of more awareness and understanding of LOPD, the more research will be done, and funding dedicated to treatment, earlier, more accurate and efficient diagnosis and new-born screening.

Through The Journey, we hope to shine a spotlight on Pompe disorder and Pompe Support Network.

Our second charity, needs little introduction, as many of you will likely already be familiar with their work. The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution has been working tirelessly to support farmers and those living in rural locations ever since it’s first meeting in 1860!

Hiho Silver, one of Emma’s other businesses already raises funds for the charity through their Exclusive Wheatsheaf Collection.

As Emma says, “We live in rural Somerset and see first hand the amazing job that farmers do on a daily basis, but also the pressure that they are under. As an owner of country-based businesses with two sons at Harper Adams and many farming friends, I know that RABI can provide life-changing support for people in desperate situations, especially the access they provide to in-person counselling support for farmers.”

Although this is a relatively new service offered by the charity, we both know first hand how hopeless the years long NHS waitlist can make one feel, and how expensive private counselling can be. RABI’s free service aims to combat this, through providing:

  • Access to a professional counsellor within 24 hours, no more extensive NHS waiting times.
  • No need for a clinical referral
  • Support delivered by trained professionals who understand how tough farming can be
  • Confidential support is available face-to-face at home, or in a place where you feel comfortable, by telephone or video conferencing
  • Freely available to all farming people

Both of these charities are respectively doing incredible things to help support the people they are committed to. Emma and I very much hope that through the content we share throughout The Journey, we’ll be able to raise awareness for each of these, if we can raise some funds too then that’s even better!

We know times are currently tight for most, but if you feel able to donate anything to this fundraiser, or even just share our posts to raise awareness of what we’re trying to achieve through The Journey, we’d be so grateful, as will our charities.

We’ve set up a Just Giving Team page for The Journey, which is linked below.
You’ll need to select which charity you’d like to donate too, as unfortunately Just Giving don’t support a ‘split down the middle’ model. We are hoping to raise a total of £5,000; £2,500 for both Pompe Support Network and RABI.

We are being supported with trip costs by the businesses Emma works with, so everything we raise will be going to charity.

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