Our values, for you.

New beginnings are exciting…

Hello countrywomen (and men), what a week it’s been for Emma and I.

First up, a HUGE thank you has to be said to each and every one of you for supporting our new venture. If you’re new here, a warm welcome!

As we finalise the first of our interviews for you to delve into, we thought we’d dive a bit further into Countrywoman’s Guide and who we are.

We have been working on the concept for a few months now behind the scenes, but now the work really starts. We both have passion for the countryside, an eagerness to learn and a love of community and sharing advice.

As we were discussing our ideas, we realised that the unique blend of our respective age and experience we brings to the table, reflects something that happens in the country so naturally every day.

The sharing of information, ideas and past experience doesn’t have an age limit, it works across the generations. It doesn’t care what you look like and it’s crammed full of high points and low points.

Shared values and working together to achieve something that makes a difference to others has given us a good place to start from. Our mutual love of words and writing served as the catalyst for inspiring others with stories, gathered as we go and shared to light a path.

During our initial conversations, Emma set me some homework, to think about and come up with some brand values, so that we could identify who and what we stand for, but also to see whether we were on the same page, turns out we were because Emma had written down a few of the same.


In relation to us at CWG, stewardship surmises our intention to nurture our community but also to nurture the countryside around us through shared content, campaigns and future events.


What followed was, to always work from a place of passion. It is our responsibility to ignite passion in our readers and to demonstrate that each offering is created from genuine passion for the subject. That way, when we do, it will always be quality work.


To always stay connected to our community and audience and to strive to never to skimp on engagement and connection with our community. There’s two of us so hopefully we can stay engaged.


Finally, we both had authenticity underlined. For us at Countrywoman’s Guide, representing our audience – you guys, in an authentic style, and prioritising the story and the title before jumping to any financial/commercial opportunities that may perhaps not fit.

We hope that through sharing a few of our brand values, you can get a better idea of the root of our mission with CWG  and what kind of content you can expect from us in the future.

Over the past week, we’ve shared some facts about Emma and I so you can better get to know your newest duo. Here’s a quick low down:

Emma’s few facts for you:

1. In the aims of full disclosure, my house is never that clean and tidy, the dog hair dust bunnies can be overwhelming, but my husband, Andrew, is a saint, a marvellous cook & totally keeps me in order. I’m a big believer in being all you can be, but choose your area to excel in – for me I love my family & homelife & I am passionately curious about business & learning.

2. I live on a small farm & have 5 dogs, 2 cats, a small herd of Dexter cattle and a few sheep. Both my sons are at Harper Adams University so there is a lot of talk about tractors in our house!

3. I’m 55 years old & absolutely loving it, it’s a real privilege to be this age & my journey has bestowed the gift of some wisdom that I’m looking forward to sharing.

The age difference between Holly & I means that we learn from each other & the power of that has become something that we really want to encourage – cross-generational wisdom bestows a power to a community that creates magic in our humble opinion.

Holly’s few facts:

  1. I’m a devout horse lover, I was the pony-mad little girl at school, jumping over logs and fallen branches, I had been known to break into an extended trot whilst running for lunch! I now also run a horse yard, opposite the home I grew up in and where I kept my first, childhood pony. I always daydreamed about being able to call that stable yard my own, talk about fate!
  2. I’m 27 years old, and not so able to embrace the aging as Emma might be (yet!). It feels pretty sickening to right, 27 just doesn’t seem possible, you know?
  3. In recent months I have become captivated by the wild Mustangs of America, the wild Kaimanawas of New Zealand and the Brumbys of Australia and the work being done by so many in these countries to protect them. Helping keep these animals wild and free, but also to ensure those mustered get a second chance at life is something I’d love to do in the future!

That’s it from us for now, the next time you hear from us here, we’ll have the first CWG interview for you. Hold tight!

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